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On Dec 27, 2011, at 2:31 AM, Stefan Hakansson LK 
<> wrote:

> On 12/23/2011 06:37 PM, Arthur Barstow wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I've been thinking a bit about realistic expectations for 2012 for those
>> specs that are already in scope in the WG's current charter (complete
>> spec list is at [PubStatus]).
>> Below is a list (in alphabetical order) of what I consider the WG's
>> higher priority specs including my expectations for the new year and
>> some related open tasks for the specs. One criteria for putting
>> something on the list is the spec's relative maturity i.e. has at least
>> one LC been published and/or is there already some implementation.
>> Maturity level is relevant because the WG's IP commitments are not
>> finalized until a spec reaches the Recommendation status.
>> * CORS (WD) - address open bugs; publish LCWD; create comprehensive test
>> suite; this spec needs some tutorial/primer/how-to type documentation
>> * DOM 3 Events (LCWD) - complete LC#2 comment processing; publish new
>> LCWD; if clear implementation commitment from at least Mozilla and
>> Microsoft, move the spec to CR
>> * File API (WD) - address open bugs; integrate Microsoft's Stream API
>> features<>;
>> move to feature complete and publish LCWD; start test suite
> The Stream API also impacts the XMLHttpRequest spec, right? And potentially 
> WebSockets (if you would like to send a Stream over a WS), or have I got it 
> wrong?

Not sure re: WebSockets (it would make sense) but extensions to XHR are 
explicitly mentioned.

> Stefan

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