On 23/01/2013 13:01 , Arthur Barstow wrote:
Before we start a CfC to change WebApps' agreed testing process
[Testing], please make a clear proposal regarding the submission
process, approval process, roles, etc. as is defined in [Testing] and
its references. (My preference is for you to document the new process,
expectations, etc. in WebApps' Public wiki, rooted at

I'll leave that to Odin since he's been driving this, but I'll be happy to comment and help.

Also, what is the expectation regarding [Framework]? Does your proposal
include still using it? If yes, will there be automagic mirroring of
github changes to w3c-test.org?

We shouldn't mix using w3c-test.org and using the current framework. The former we definitely keep on using — we're right now working on the sync from our TS to that server.

The framework I think was a proof of concept but has endemic problems (one of which being that it is painful and costly to maintain). I know we can do much better. I'll bang my head with that of a number of other people and I'm sure we'll come up with something. This, however, is orthogonal to the GitHub reorg. You can keep using the existing framework after the GitHub move, and it would still have the same problems if we don't move.

Robin Berjon - http://berjon.com/ - @robinberjon

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