On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 8:18 PM, Dimitri Glazkov <dglaz...@google.com> wrote:
> Why is "Not having identity at creation-time is currently a mismatch with
> the rest of the platform" a problem? Why does it all have to be consistent
> across the board? Are there any other platform objects that are created by
> HTML parser or a similar device?

Domenic explained how we could potentially reconcile this, but just to be clear.

Whenever the browser platform deviates from the norm (e.g. Java-esque
DOM API), there's considerable frustration in the community. And it is
long-lasting. E.g. I still get complaints about APIs I'm maintaining
the standard for that are now fifteen years old. (And I didn't even

That tells me that developer ergonomics are important and what we
deploy will last a long time. Assuming we deploy it across browsers.

Now if the dominant subclass pattern is not a two-stage process with a
custom upgrade method the DOM will continue to be odd. We may have to
accept this, but I have the feeling that the alternatives have not
been given due consideration. I think we owe it to Yehuda and Ryosuke
and others to carefully weigh the alternatives.


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