Steve's concerns are best illustrated with a more complicated element like 
<button>. He did a great pull request to the custom elements spec that 
contrasts all the work you have to do with <taco-button> vs. <button 
is="tequila-button">: vs.

The summary is that you *can* duplicate *some* of the semantics and 
accessibility properties of a built-in element when doing custom tags, but it's 
quite arduous. (And, it has minor undesirable side effects, such as new DOM 
attributes which can be overwritten, whereas native role semantics are baked 

Additionally, in some cases you *can't* duplicate the semantics and 

An easy example is that you can never get a screen reader to announce 
<custom-p> as a paragraph, while it will happily do so for <p is="custom-p">. 
This is because there is no ARIA role for paragraphs that you could set in the 
createdCallback of your CustomP.

However, this second point is IMO just a gap in the capabilities of ARIA that 
should be addressed. If we could assume it will be addressed on the same 
timeline as custom elements being implemented (seems ... not impossible), that 
still leaves the concern about having to duplicate all the functionality of a 
button, e.g. keyboard support, focus support, reaction to the presence/absence 
of the disabled attribute, etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Edward O'Connor [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2015 18:33
To: WebApps WG
Subject: Re: Minimum viable custom elements

Hi all,

Steve wrote:

>> [I]t also does not address subclassing normal elements. Again, while 
>> that seems desirable
> Given that subclassing normal elements is the easiest and most robust 
> method (for developers) of implementing semantics[1] and interaction 
> support necessary for accessibility I would suggest it is undesirable 
> to punt on it.

Apologies in advance, Steve, if I'm missing something obvious. I probably am.

I've been writing an article about turtles and I've gotten to the point that 
six levels of headings aren't enough. I want to use a seventh-level heading 
element in this article, but HTML only has h1–6. Currently, without custom 
elements, I can do this:

<div role=heading aria-level=7>Cuora amboinensis, the southeast Asian box 

Suppose instead that TedHaitchSeven is a subclass of HTMLElement and I've 
registered it as <ted-h7>. In its constructor or createdCallback or whatever, I 
add appropriate role and aria-level attributes. Now I can write this:

<ted-h7>Cuora amboinensis, the southeast Asian box turtle</ted-h7>

This is just as accessible as the <div> was, but is considerably more 
straightforward to use. So yay custom elements!

If I wanted to use is="" to do this, I guess I could write:

<h1 is=ted-h7>Cuora amboinensis, the southeast Asian box turtle</h1>

How is this easier? How is this more robust?

I think maybe you could say this is more robust (if not easier) because, in a 
browser with JavaScript disabled, AT would see an <h1>. <h1> is at least a 
heading, if not one of the right level. But in such a browser the <div> example 
above is even better, because AT would see both that the element is a heading 
and it would also see the correct level.

OK, so let's work around the wrong-heading-level-when-JS-is-disabled
problem by explicitly overriding <h1>'s implicit heading level:

<h1 is=ted-h7 aria-level=7>Cuora amboinensis, the southeast Asian box 

I guess this is OK, but seeing aria-level=7 on and <h1> rubs me the wrong way 
even if it's not technically wrong, and I don't see how this is easier or more 
robust than the other options.


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