This is, at a minimum, incremental goodness. It's better than leaving the prior 
L1 published document around--which already tripped up a few folks on my team 
recently. I strongly +1 it.

From: Anne van Kesteren <>
Sent: Friday, August 7, 2015 5:55 AM
To: Arthur Barstow
Cc: Tab Atkins Jr.; public-webapps
Subject: Re: PSA: publish WD of "WebIDL Level 1"

On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 2:45 PM, Arthur Barstow <> wrote:
> The L2 version (by Cameron and Boris) has not been published as a TR
> and if there no objections to proceeding as above, I will start working on
> making this all happen.

I still don't understand why L1 is even published. It cannot be
implemented so only furthers confusion.


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