Speaking of visual assaulting format.... rewritten as a Task

I hope I am not stepping on toes here, but if I was going to take the
time to get format this in a way that makes my point, I figured I might
as well go ahead and do it on an issue.


On 10/18/2016 08:15 AM, Austin Macdonald wrote:
> tldr; I'm strongly in favor of switching to Napoleon. I was not
> previously opinionated on the matter, but after trying it out I see a
> lot of benefits.
> Reasoning: *We drown ourselves with useless information.*
>     :param repo_name: The name of the repo
>     :type  repo_name: basestring
> This obviously has a very low information density.
> In Napoleon this would be:
>     Params:
>         repo (basestring): Name of a repository
> Format can't fix awkward, and this is still not a super helpful comment,
> but at least it takes up less space but contains the same information.
> The lists will be shorter and less visually assaulting. On the topic of
> visual assualt, `:param:` is the first part of the line, which is where
> I would rather be scanning for variable names.  **Napoleon presents
> information in the order I look for it.**
> Take a look at a comparison of larger docstrings from the wild:
> _
> __Current_
>  def _process_repos(repo_objs, details, importers,
> distributors):                                                                
> """                                                                           
>      Serialize repository objects and add related importers and
> distributors if
> requested.                                                                    
>      Apply standard processing to a collection of repositories being
> returned to a client.
> Adds                                                                          
>      the object link and optionally adds related importers and
> distributors.                                                                 
>      :param repo_objs: collection of repository
> objects                                                                       
>      :type  repo_objs: list or tuple of pulp.server.db.model.Repository
> objects                                                                       
>      :param details: if True, include importers and distributors,
> overrides other
> values                                                                        
>      :type  details:
> bool                                                                          
>      :param importers: if True, adds related importers under the
> attribute
> "importers".                                                                  
>      :type  importers:
> bool                                                                          
>      :param distributors: if True, adds related distributors under the
> attribute
> "distributors"                                                                
>      :type  distributors:
> bool                                                                          
>      :return: a list of serialized repositories with importer and
> distributor data optionally
> added                                                                         
>      :rtype:  list of
> dicts                                                                         
> """                                                                           
> _Napoleon
> _ def _process_repos(repo_objs, details, importers,
> distributors):                                                                
> """                                                                           
>      Serialize repository objects and add related importers and
> distributors if
> requested.                                                                    
>      Apply standard processing to a collection of repositories being
> returned to a client.
> Adds                                                                          
>      the object link and optionally adds related importers and
> distributors.                                                                 
>      Args:
>           repo_objs (list or tuple of Repository): collection of
> repository
> objects                                                                       
>           details (bool): if True, include importers and distributors,
> overrides other
> values                                                                        
>           importers (bool): if True, adds related importers under the
> attribute
> "importers".                                                                  
>           distributors (bool) if True, adds related distributors under
> the attribute
> "distributors"                                                                
>      Returns:
>          A list of serialized repositories with importer and distributor
> data optionally
> added                                                                         
>      """          

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