On 05 September 2017 at 16h50, Tanu Kaskinen wrote:


> Sorry for not responding earlier. I intended to reply to this mail,
> but I accidentally marked it as read and forgot about it.
> It's VLC's problem if it can't handle big latencies. VLC will be quite
> useless anyway regardless of what pulseaudio does, because if we
> report too small latencies, then audio and video will be badly out of
> sync.
> Does VLC work with big latencies when playing audio-only content?

No, it doesn't either - the same codepath seems to be used and it
complains that "playback is late" and flushing buffers to try and fix

I made some more tests using all software I have installed, though
(some of them probably sharing libraries) :

- Audacity works
- mPlayer and mpv work
- Parole works
- Totem works
- Rhythmbox works

Basically it seems only VLC tries to sync audio to video instead of the
contrary :)

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