Dnia 2010-06-11, pią o godzinie 23:37 +0200, Geralt pisze:
> I've got three soundcards: my onboard card (sd1), my usb card (sd2)
> and my headset (sd3) and I want the default card to be the one with
> the highest numbering in the sdX naming scheme that is currently
> attached to the system. 

Eh? No idea what sdX mean here.

If you want your audio to be heard over headset, then usb card, then
onboard card, depending on which are available, just set them as
fallbacks with pavucontrol or gnome-volume-control in the reverse
direction (that's - connect your usb card, set it as fallback, then
connect your headset and set that as fallback). That should be enough in
at least with a recent enough PA.

Michał Sawicz <mic...@sawicz.net>

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