On 6/4/2010 3:45 AM, Daniel Pittman wrote:
Well, my use case pretty much always comes down to "do something for this data
about this host", and hasn't ever gotten more than two levels deep:

   backuppc::server needs a per-client configuration
     per-client configuration needs this clients mount-points and excludes

   the load-balancer needs the hostname and ip of every app-server

Just as another "data point", I cover those things also with export/collect, but do not need an ERB template, by actually creating the needed file fragments (usable for volcane's concat) on the source hosts. Collection can then use the <<||>> query language to select what's needed, in my cases always by tag.

That approach has great flexibility, without the pain of accessing the DB myself.

Best Regards, David
dasz.at OG              Tel: +43 (0)664 2602670     Web: http://dasz.at
Klosterneuburg                                         UID: ATU64260999

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