As promised yesterday, here are the results of our first planning

Right now, we're loosely following a Scrum style of development. With
the current one-week iteration's backlog outlined below.

 * #2128 - Allow arbitrary fact as node_name identifier

 * #7224 - Bad english: hostname was not match with the server

 * #4416 - Resources cannot be used on the run where they are synced

 * Package type V2 (apt)

 * Package type V2 (dpkg)

 * Package type V2 (aptitude)

We're trying to work on things that we know have annoyed people using
Puppet. We are very open to any suggestions on what to add to the
following iterations, so please vote on tickets in Redmine[1], and
comment on these updates.

The "Package type V2" items don't currently have any tickets in Redmine,
but the goal will be to clean up the current package type in the hopes
of having a clean, "modern" and well tested type, and set of providers
that people can use as a reference when writing their own.  If the
experiment in refactoring the package type, and the apt, aptitude, and
dpkg providers goes well, we plan on continuing on to the rest of the

In addition to the iteration backlog, #7670 and #7681 have become
priorities that we will be addressing as soon as we can.

 * #7670 - operatingsystem fact incorrect after clear on Ubuntu

 * #7681 - Regression, arrays and variables


Jacob Helwig

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