
On 06/13/2012 10:57 AM, Jo Rhett wrote:
> On Jun 13, 2012, at 1:50 AM, R.I.Pienaar wrote:
>> I can think of a few, but really any case where a files mode out of the
>> box from say RPM prevent some other service from functioning because it
>> relies on this file.  File mode change -> dependant service restart.
>> Lots of daemons ship files like accessible only by $daemon:$daemon when
>> what we need is $daemon:$otherdaemon or maybe $daemon:$group_of_daemons.
>> You want to notice $otherdaemon that it can now read that file etc
> Good point. I outright stole and p0wned your words here for 
> http://projects.puppetlabs.com/issues/14998

(I don't think that's what 'pwning' means ;-)

This idea makes me somewhat unconfortable. I get the feeling that this
change would be a lot more fundamental than one might think.

To puppet, each and every resource has one (more or less complex) state,
and puppet either accepts this state or sees need to change it. If
changed, fire a notify to all subscribers. That's it.

What you're suggesting is a differentiation that has never existed in
this context (afaik). I'm not sure I feel good about opening this door -
I can easily see it become a gateway for lots of unintended effects to
trip users up.

As for your original problem, I don't see a good way of safeguarding
against this in puppet. Personally, I refrain from having puppet restart
services unless they are quite "safe", i.e. unlikely to stop working for
some reason. Usually I don't want to run the risk of having unattended
restarts at more or less random times, so for critical services - my
advice is to just do those by hand (or mcollective).


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