OK let's wrap this up with a ribbon. So we verified that this...

    pyinstaller --clean -y --oneDIR --add-data.wavFiles;wavFiles myscript.py

created a folder dist/myscript which contains

* all the support files (there's a shit-ton of them, no?)
* the wavFiles the program expects
* an executable myscript.exe

and the latter, when executed in the context of that folder, runs. Yipee!

You have two options. One, distribute the folder.

You make a zip archive of that myscript folder and distribute that to your
users. They expand it to get a folder on their desktop or their Downloads
folder or wherever, and  you can instruct them to just run myscript.exe in
that folder, and they're off.

Or you can instruct them to right-click myscript.exe, select Make alias (or
whatever the term is, I don't have a Windows system in front of me to try),
and they can drag that alias wherever they like and use that to start your

Downside of this is, somewhat more complicated instructions to your users.

One advantage is that you can manually drop other things in the folder
before zipping it, like a README file, or a set of "extras" that you want
to distribute. Example files maybe. Usage documentation.

Two, you can distribute a single executable:

   pyinstaller --clean -y --oneFILE --add-data.wavFiles;wavFiles myscript.py

Now you should have a self-contained executable dist/myscript.exe and that
should also run, without needing a folder full of support files and wav
files. (Because it contains all that and re-creates it in temp storage
every time you run it.)

You can zip it up and distribute it; advantage it is a single program,
simple explanation for users. Disadvantage, your README and your extras,
have to be distributed separately.

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