It's always a bad idea to mix different types of urls without having
clearly defined separate prefixes for each.
Basically it's like having a global namespace, and even worse is that
you don't get ambiguity errors in case
of overlaps, you get one url superseding  the other (this also applies
to static files hijacking a request with
the same url, which I guess both rails and pylons do by default, and
then for each request you actually have to check
if a file with that name exists and only if not then dispatch the
rails/pylons action ==> that is really bad programming,
performance wise and logic wise).

it's like having the home directories not be under /home !!!!  so if
you get a user named "etc" you r screw3d !!!

On Dec 20, 1:07 pm, "Mike Orr" <> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 20, 2008 at 11:42 AM, Wichert Akkerman <> wrote:
> > Previously ED209 wrote:
> >> I'm planning on moving my users' profile pages to:
> >>
> >> but there has been some discussion amongst fellow developers that this
> >> might cause problems. I would have this route and subsequent routes as
> >> the last ones defined in my array of routes defenitions so any static
> >> routes would be matched first.
> > What if at some point in the future you need a new static route and a
> > user already registered with that username?
> Well, that is where the Rails helpers' convention of /images,
> /stylesheets, and /javascripts makes some sense, because that way you
> only have to reserve a few prefixes.  You could also reserve 'static'
> in case something else comes along that doesn't fit into these
> categories.
> --
> Mike Orr <>
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