On Jan 19, 2009, at 8:05 PM, Mike Orr wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 4:05 PM, walterbyrd <walterb...@iname.com>  
> wrote:
>> And if so, why?
> Everybody who uses Pylons knows that other frameworks exist and had
> maybe tried one or two others, but has made a conscious choice that
> they like Pylons' style better.

Hi Mike, I think I understand perfectly the intention of what you are  
saying here, but the last almost off-handish reference to "style" made  
me do a double-take on what you mean... What I do not "understand" is  
that given all the noisy promises of an ideal world where all python  
web applications are built following wsgi and installed with  
setuptools, the difference we are talking about cannot be simply  
written off as a matter of "style", but more architectural and  
philosophical. Pylons has, with the best of intentions, tried to  
embrace the "new" open-architecture as fully as possible. And, it pays  
and will continue to pay a fairly high price for that choice...  
Example of past price paid,  just look at the number of what-should-be- 
a-non-issue installation problems in the mail archive. Example of  
price to pay, iiuc, apparently wsgi/paste/whatever has some unicode  
issues, so pylons has to wait for those to be fixed and third-party  
released to be able to even consider 3.0? Excuse me?

I fully respect the choices that pylons makes, and almost always I am  
fine with them. There is anyway always a judgement call between wide- 
open genericity and narrower-scoped simplicity, and there is no  
"right" balance. Pylons probably errs towards the first, and django  
towards the second.

But simplicity is very slippery, and very easily lost. The promise of  
generic inter-operational components more often than not exacts a  
higher price than what it gives back. How have the wsgi promises of  
inter-changeable web app building blocks measured up against the  
overhead from added complexities and issues? If you take for example  
qp, one of the few non-wsgi framework around, it strikes an amazing  
balance between simplicity and genericity, and it is not hindered by  
possibly-interfering impositions of a generic api such as wsgi. It can  
be used with or without the Durus object database that accompanies it,  
but it can (probably) just as easily also be used with sqlalchemy or  
any other ORM. QP also adopts the more robust single-thread multi- 
process approach to building apps, a choice that wsgi deems (pls  
correct and excuse me if I am saying something silly here!) to not  
particularly cater for. But, deployment of a qp app cannot be  
easier... SCGI works like a charm e.g. over apache, and is even more  
charming over lighttpd that has builtin support for it. Its "framework  
api" is grokkable in minutes... plus, a small additional fact, qp +  
durus (and the associated templating utility, qpy) have been available  
for python 3.0 since --day-1--, that is since the official first  
release date of python 3.0.

All I am saying is that buying into a new way of doing things is fine  
but one has to be able to look back and sans-emotions admit what has  
actually worked and what has not. And, if at the beginning it the  
motivation was philosophical, playing it down in hindsight to a matter  
of style indicates to me that it has not all worked as well as hoped.

> A lot of Django fans have done the
> same of course, but a lot of other Django fans have not really looked
> into any other frameworks, they just came to Django from Rails or PHP
> because they heard about it first and didn't look any further.

But this is a sociological fact, true of all software where the user- 
base goes beyond a certain "mass" -- blind following of the trend.  
But, I would add it is probably a good thing... everybody must go down  
his own path, and if django attracts people from rails/php, those same  
people will, after some experience with django forge their own  
opinions and preferences... and maybe some of them will then discover,  
and prefer, pylons. Or maybe they'll just go back to php ;-!!


> -- 
> Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

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