On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 8:10 AM, Mario Ruggier <ma...@ruggier.org> wrote:
>  From what you all say I think we do agree that it is not just a
> superficial question of style.

There are two aspects to the style.  One is the philosophy of WSGI to
the core, and thus the choice of Paste as the first (and still only?)
generic wayto configure and launch WSGI applications.
The other aspect is Pylons' particular API of Routes, action
signatures, context globals, render_mako, use of FormEncode and
WebHelpers, etc.  I came to Pylons because of the former, but others
may use it because of the latter.

> It goes beyond that, and there is a
> price to pay -- and that the price is generally justifiable. And, as
> Micheal eloquently states, given the looming horizon, the line taken
> by pylons promises to attract more and more people in the future, as
> more people from other worlds will learn about what py3k really
> offers. But then again, the more eclipsed java developers come to
> pylons, the harder it will be for pylons to dearly hold on to that
> slippery simplicity... !
> I of course agree with Jorge's argument on the advantages of a non-
> monolithic framework And yes of course that having different
> components to install will naturally give rise to numerous
> installation problems. But, it remains that that there were several
> strange setuptools-related problems when I first started to get pylons
> projects going, problems that I was not interested about in the very
> least.

I hate to pass the buck, but this is Python's fault for not having
reliable package management built in.  There's nothing Pylons can do
about it except switch to another programming language.

> Small anecdote about unicode issues, and migration to Py3k... unicode
> is unicode, be it py2 or py3. Nothing has changed conceptually in py3
> on this, except that all strings are now unicode -- something that has
> been a best practice in py2 since how many years?

I think the issue is that the headers are defined as strings but
they're actually bytestrings in Python 3.  Python changed the
semantics of what a string is, and now that strings and bytestrings
don't autoconvert it becomes a users' issue.

Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

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