I have downloaded the version (0.79.dmg.gz) of the PyMol package suggested by Luca Jovine, but don't know how to get a working version of Python installed. The only links I can find are to Python .exe files for versions 2.1 and 1.5.2, and I have no idea which of the other downloads (xx-contrib, ext) are needed. For that matter, is the v. 0.79 really the latest for OS X, or is 0.82 or 0.83 options? Which Python will run in the Mac Unix environment and how do I invoke it (presumably from the terminal) if it will? You (W. Delano) make it clear that running PyMol within Python is not the way to go, then in the Mac, what is? I also see no links to documentation, nor do I find any obviously labeled documentation files in the download. In general, does anyone have any tips on finding needles of required information in this massive haystack of a website? If you follow links like "Mac OS X", you get dumped into a 10>n page listing of all imaginable open source apps in reverse chronological order. Are there any search tools or internal pages with links to documentation (maybe something on the download page http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/pymol that I don't recognize as such?) Finally, there was a "somebody ought to bell the cat"-type discussion about uploading "How TO?" files and tutorials back in May - did anything come of that? A basic intro to PyMOL is what I, a confirmed nonprogrammer (and damned proud of it) need, no doubt like many others. Maybe some academics have already put something like this together to prep strudents in their courses to use PyMOL?

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