The code threw up a syntax error for me and I don’t know enough python to 
figure out why, but the CIF approach worked well, thanks very much!

On 22 Sep 2015, at 15:40, Thomas Holder 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Suzanne & Tsjerk,

To get those points in as pseudoatoms, you could also simply place a CIF atom 
site header above the data and load it as a .cif file.

   145.32307  113.91329  116.36907       0.44800    0.47168    0.80000  #7278cc
   147.35472  113.65778  116.36907       0.44800    0.47168    0.80000  #7278cc
   149.39126  113.87088  116.36907       0.44800    0.47168    0.80000  #7278cc
   141.61303  115.28156  115.56962       0.44800    0.47168    0.80000  #7278cc

The color will be ignored because # is the comment delimiter.

The only issue is that all atoms will have the same (empty) identifiers, so in 
order to select individual atoms, run something like this:

PyMOL> alter all, resi=index


On 22 Sep 2015, at 05:34, Tsjerk Wassenaar 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Suzanne,

I'll make the guess that it's position and color. Are there any lines to be 
ignored? Probably this will work anyway... Save this in a script called

def holecgo(filename,radius=0.1,name="hole"):
   data = [ i.split() for i in open(filename) ]
   data = [ [ float(i) for i in k[:6] ] if len(k) == 7 and k[6].startswith("#") 
   cmd.load_cgo([u for x,y,z,r,g,b in data for u in 

Then in Pymol, do:


You can add radius=0.25 or something else to make the spheres larger.

Hope it helps,


On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:06 PM, Suzanne Scott 
<<>> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I hope this isn’t a silly question, but I’m not sure how to do it: I want to 
plot some coordinates in PyMOL.  Not atoms, just coordinates - they’re the 
output of HOLE implemented in Coot, and have the following format:

    145.32307  113.91329  116.36907       0.44800    0.47168    0.80000  #7278cc
    147.35472  113.65778  116.36907       0.44800    0.47168    0.80000  #7278cc
    149.39126  113.87088  116.36907       0.44800    0.47168    0.80000  #7278cc
    141.61303  115.28156  115.56962       0.44800    0.47168    0.80000  #7278cc

Where the first three columns are the x, y and z coordinates, the next three 
are the size of the object, and the last is the colour (which isn’t so 
important - neither is the size, really).  I can’t work out how to import them 
into PyMOL. If anybody has any ideas, I’d be really grateful!


Thomas Holder
PyMOL Principal Developer
Schrödinger, Inc.

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