Hello everyone,

I would like to create my own command within the pymol environement.

I have currently a set of points in a pdb files with b-factors that i would like to represent as the /cartoon putty/ command is doing.(ie pdb file) The main problem is that I don't precisely know what /cartoon putty/ is doing.

So I would like to know where the code of cartoon putty is hidden in pymol and how the code could be modify in order to work on all atoms rather than CA.

Many thanks,

*Damien CLAVEL*
Cellphone +33 7 81 66 61 70
Landline   +33 4 57 42 87 35
PhD student at Laboratoire Chimie Physique (UP Sud)
                and Institut de Biologie Structurale (EPN Campus)
Laboratoire de Chimie Physique <http://www.lcp.u-psud.fr/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=266/> Institut de Biologie Structurale <http://www.ibs.fr/spip.php?lang=en>
    Bul. 350 Campus Orsay                 EPN Campus
    15, Av. Jean Perrin                         6, rue Jules Horowitz
    F-91405 ORSAY Cedex                 F-38000 GRENOBLE

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Attachment: UPW_sim2_06_00559.pdb
Description: Protein Databank data

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