Dear Pymol members,
I have a hard time to use pymol-v1.7.4.0-Linux-x86_64 in ubuntu 14.04 LTS
which I need to use very often. Although other graphics programs like COOT,
CCP4MG are running just fine.
After I load the pdb file, it just taking too much time for any operation
like zoom in or out, rotating/translating molecule or even going through
the menu when dragging the mouse. I have no clue.
My computer specifications:
Memory 5.8 GiB
Processor Intel Xenon(R) CPU W3505 @ 2.53 GHz x 2
Graphics Gallium 0.4 on NVC1 (Graphics card Quadro 600)
OS type 64-bit
DISK 978.0 GB

Can anyone tell the fix for this problem asap.
My best regards,
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