Dear PyMOL users,

I would like to combine two pymol sessions together to compare to different 
conformations of a molecule that I have in two different pse files.

One of you suggested me the following (and this works with others)

load session1.pse
load session2.pse, partial=1

but in my case, when I open a new pymol session and type : load 
nameofmysession.pse I get an error saying 'can't open  nameofmysession.pse' ? 
Is this because pymol doesn't find my pse  file in my computer ? If yes, where 
should I store my pse session files ?

Also, regarding how to proceed: Should I open a new pymol session and type the 
two command lines above successively ? For example, should I type "load 
session1.pse" first, hit enter and then type 'load session2.pse, partial=1' ??

Many thanks for your help,

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