On 5 April 2011 13:38, Isaac Gouy <igo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- On Tue, 4/5/11, Armin Rigo <ar...@tunes.org> wrote:
>> what I know as the language shootout (shootout.alioth.debian.org).
>> Is it the case?
> The project was renamed back on 20th April 2007
> http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?GreatComputerLanguageShootout
>> Assuming it is, then my position is pretty much the same as
>> William Leslie: I have little interest if the benchmarks that
>> PyPy runs with are written in completely non-idiomatic ways,
>> super hand-optimized for CPython, for the reasons explained in
>> detail by William.  It would be interesting, however, if you
>> accept versions rewritten in "just plain Python".
> I have no objection to programs written in "just plain Python" - just as I 
> have no objection to programs written "in completely non-idiomatic ways, 
> super hand-optimized for CPython".
> However, unless there was something interesting about them - such as PyPy 
> made them fast - they might be weeded out in the future.
> In most cases I do have an objection to numpy and to calling C using ctypes - 
> programs have to be more "plain Python" than that.

Perhaps there should be separate categories for "python" and "numpy"
for benchmarks where it makes sense?

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