Good news everyone! I made a mistake in tagging 3.2.6 as beta instead of
final. The new tarball is now available for testing. This is the same
code as yesterday's 3.2.6b.tgz but with the correct version information.
This is the one we've all been waiting for! :)
Here are the rules:
In order for a file to be officially announced, it has to be tested by
developers on the dev list. Anyone subscribed to this list can (and
should feel obligated to :-) ) test it, and provide feedback *to _this_
list*! (Not the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list, and preferably not me
The files are (temporarily) available here:
Please download it, then do the usual
$ ./configure --with-apxs=/wherever/it/is
$ make
$ (su)
# make install
Then (as non-root user!)
$ cd test
$ python
And see if any tests fail. If they pass, send a +1 to the list, if they
fail, send the details (the versions of OS, Python and Apache, the test
output, and suggestions, if any).
Thank you,
Jim Ga