On 03/02/2006, at 2:54 PM, Jim Gallacher wrote:

Graham Dumpleton wrote:
To confirm Jim's arithmetic anyway, I say -1 on 3.2.6 as it stands.
As to 3.2.7, I say +1, subject to removal of problematic test case
as already raised and with us at least confirming tests run OK for
version out of SVN prior to packaging.

Oh, so *that's* where you said we should disable the test. ;)

I've disabled the publisher_cache test and the connection handler fix has been checked in. We are good to go for 3.2.7.

As Graham suggests perhaps we could get some people to confirm the current version in SVN trunk prior to packaging. A couple of thumbs up from some FreeBSD'ers would be especially nice since the connection handler problem seemed to be most prevalent on that platform. If everything looks ok I'll create the 3.2.7 tarball sometime Friday.

I've got home now and done a fresh SVN export of the trunk, compiled
and run tests. Everything passed. This is for:

  Apache 2.0.55/Python2.3/Mac OS X 10.3

Also, ran my separate test which was causing connection handler crash.
It at least didn't crash, although still think something is wrong with
Mac OS X or Apache that causes my EAGAIN looping. Reasonably convinced
that that one is nothing to do with mod_python though.


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