On 2/9/06, Jim Gallacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'd like to see a change in the way the website is handled so the
> maintenance burden no longer falls on Grisha. He has paid his dues after
> all. :)
> Depending on Grisha's preference, I think we should either put the
> content in svn and have a cron job on modpython.org do a nightly update,
> or start using the Apache infrastructure for the website. See
> http://www.apache.org/dev/project-site.html for more info.

Yes, the definite preference should be for the latter (i.e. use
Apache's infrastructure).

Feel free to coordinate with [EMAIL PROTECTED] on how to
support the mechanics of this.  We can probably also host
modpython.org's website if Grisha wants to do so.  -- justin

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