"Martin v. Löwis" wrote:

> Fernando Perez wrote:
>> For ipython, which recently went through cvs2svn, I found that moving over
>> to a
>> project/trunk structure was a few minutes worth of work.  Since svn has
>> moving commands, it was just a matter of making the extra project/ directory
>> and
>> moving things one level down the hierarchy.  Even if cvs2svn doesn't quite
>> create things the way you want them in the long run, svn is flexible enough
>> that a few manual tweaks should be quite easy to perform.
> Doesn't this give issues as *every* file the starts out renamed? e.g.
> what if you want "revision 100 of project/trunk/foo", but, at revision
> 100, it really was trunk/project/foo?

To be honest, I don't really know the details, but it seems to work fine. A
quick look at ipython:

planck[IPython]> svn update
At revision 661.

planck[IPython]> svn diff -r 10 genutils.py | tail
-    Deprecated: this function has been superceded by timing() which has better
-    fucntionality."""
-    rng = range(reps)
-    start = time.clock()
-    for dummy in rng: func(*args,**kw)
-    return time.clock()-start
-#*************************** end of file <genutils.py> **********************

Revision 10 was most certainly back in the early CVS days, and the wholesale
renaming happened when I started using svn, which was around revision 600 or
so.  There may be other subtleties I'm missing, but so far I haven't
experienced any problems.



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