Paul Moore writes:
 > On Wed, 18 Sep 2019 at 18:52, Chris Barker via Python-Dev
 > <> wrote:
 > > it would be good to be clear what EXACTLY "support stops" means.

It means patches and PRs submitted after that date will almost
certainly be dropped on the floor (and definitely will be after
Benjamin tags the last release), any issues pending on that date will
be summarily closed, any Python 2 targets on the tracker will be
removed, any issues submitted regarding Python 2 anyway will be
triaged WONTFIXBECAUSEEOL, and people on python-dev and python-ideas
will tell you to go to python-list because Python 2 is off-topic
period.  Oh yeah, and any of the actions mentioned above might take a
while because Python 2 isn't, you know, "supported".

One thing that should be made clear is that "support stops" refers to
resources under the PSF rubric.  I'm sure there are plenty of people
who will support Python 2 for some wage less than $1,000,000/hr.

 > Generally, when people ask questions like this, I struggle,

Yup.  But I think the above is a good first cut.

P.S. "Us" in the subject means "those good folks who take
responsibility in one way or another for the maintenance and
improvement of Python under the auspices of the PSF."
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