Paul Moore writes:

 > What I was trying to say was more that I'm not quite sure where
 > people asking the question are coming from - they are clearly
 > worried about the impact there might be on them when support
 > stops.

Sure.  I don't really understand why people are putting so much effort
into this discussion.

For serious users of Python 2 who need support in any sense (and I
accept that they exist and assume they've had their reasons for the
last 13 years), the "support" we're providing now is basically a
bulletin board for third-party patches and a bit of vetting.  Anybody
can fork on the same GitHub we use and announce they're doing it.

If we were providing installers, that might be something, but we
don't.  I guess in some enterprise situations, the PSF imprimatur
might make a difference, even though they're pulling a tag from GitHub
rather than a signed binary.  That's about it, as far as I can see.

I really just wanted to crack the joke in the Subject line for those
who can remember the love story of Tevye and Golde.

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