
You seem to be intent on alienating and driving away as many people as 
possible. If I may play the amateur psychologist for a moment, I fear 
that you are unconsciously sabotaging your own proposals.

Better to be the genius whose proposals are dragged down by jealous and 
uncomprehending lessers (such as the PyPy and CPython dev teams) than to 
risk having to actually deliver on your proposals, and maybe failing, by 
winning over the decision makers who can approve or disapprove them.

Why else would you repeat such a transparently false untruth as the old 
canard that the Python core devs "never addressed" concerns about the 
Python 2 to 3 transition?

You are talking to an audience who, for the most part, took part of that 
transition here and on other mailing lists, and know that your claim is 
unadulterated bullshit.

I use that term in the philosophical sense:

For a decade or more the CPython core devs addressed those concerns over 
and over again, back-porting features to Python 2.6 and 2.7, building a 
2to3 tool, writing porting guides, extending the life of 2.7, and 
re-adding features to Python 3 to make porting easier.

What do you think you had to gain by telling them to their face (in a 
virtual sense) that they didn't do any of those things?

You even disprove your own claim by mentioning one of those features, 
the re-introduction of u"" string syntax which has *literally no use* in 
Python 3 except to increase compatibility with code that has to straddle 
the 2 to 3 boundary.

But let's put that aside and focus on your technical knowledge:

> 2. As a particular step, when "u" string prefix for unicode strings was
> reintroduced, it was made as "z", again, to punish all the critics.

You claim that the u'' prefix was turned into a z'' prefix in Python 3. 
Have you tried it?

    >>> print(u'string')  # This doesn't exist, according to Paul
    >>> print(z'string')  # but this does
      File "<stdin>", line 1
        print(z'string')  # but this does
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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