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A.M. Kuchling wrote:
| Doing a code search finds a fair number of users of the module: Zope's
| BDBStorage, Mailman 2.x's archiver, 4Suite, PyTone, OuterSpace,
| Chandler, BioPython.

I'm pybsddb maintainer since late January. Maintainer transfering
ownership is going a bit slow, since both Greg and I are busy guys.
Also, I have no commit access to python svn, and I'm barely familiar
with practices here (just reading PEP are not enough); managing by proxy
is a bit... difficult.

That said, it is my aim to keep bsddb in stdlib, providing a stable and
featureful module. I think keeping bsddb development inside python svn
is not appropiate. Currently (I could change idea), my approach will be
keeping pybssdb as a separate project and sync with python SVN from time
to time. Mainly to take advantage of buildbot architecture and, of
course, to be able to release python with current bindings.

Since I have no python commit access, this seems a sensible approach.
And I could do frequent pybssdb releases (let say, every couple of
months) without waiting for a full python release (current approach).

I see a lot of complains about bsddb3 in stdlib, spitting buildbot red
status, and such. I want to help there. Just remember that I have no
direct control over python svn and, although I spend last 28 years
breathing computer programming (python since 1998), I'm a newbie in
python-dev policies and procedures.

PS: I have tried to sign the Python Contributor Agreement, but I am not
sure about current pybsddb license terms. Help welcomed.

- --
Jesus Cea Avion                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
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