2008/12/17 Greg Ewing <greg.ew...@canterbury.ac.nz>:
> Nick Coghlan wrote:
>> Actually, I believe 3.0 already took a big step towards allowing this by
>> changing the way modules are initialised.
> It's a step, but I wouldn't call it a big one. There are
> many other problems to be solved before fully independent
> interpreters are possible.

Do you know if these remaining problems are listed anywhere? AIUI,
certain software (for example mod_python) has been using multiple
interpreters for a long while now - admittedly not without issues, but
certainly enough to imply that multiple interpreters are at least
"possible" - although not perfect. Experience with such software would
probably be a great guide to where the issues exist.

Maybe a page on the Python Wiki, or a FAQ entry, would be useful here.
If only to make things explicit, and clear up some of the FUD around
multiple interpreters.

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