Hi Collin

IMO it'll be better to make Unladen Swallow project a module, to be
installed and used if needed, so demanding to users the choice of having it
or not. The same way psyco does, indeed.

Nowadays it requires too much memory, longer loading time, and fat binaries
for not-so-great performances. I know that some issues have being worked on,
but I don't think that they'll show something comparable to the current
CPython status.

Introducing C++ is a big step, also. Aside the problems it can bring on some
platforms, it means that C++ can now be used by CPython developers. It
doesn't make sense to force people use C for everything but the JIT part. In
the end, CPython could become a mix of C and C++ code, so a bit more
difficult to understand and manage.

What I see is that LLVM is a too big project for the goal of having "just" a
JIT-ed Python VM. It can be surely easier to use and integrate into CPython,
but requires too much resources (on the contrary, Psyco demands little
resources, give very good performances, but seems to be like a mess to
manage and extend).

I know that a new, custom JIT code is an hard project to work on, requiring
long time, but the harry to have something faster to the current CPython can
bring to a mammoth that runs just a bit bitter.

Anyway, it seems that performance is a sensible argument for the Python
community. I think that a lot can be made to squeeze out more speed, working
both on CPython internals and on the JIT side.

Best regards,

2010/1/20 Collin Winter <collinwin...@google.com>
> Hello python-dev,
> I've just committed the initial draft of PEP 3146, proposing to merge
> Unladen Swallow into CPython's source tree and roadmap. The initial
> draft is included below. I've also uploaded the PEP to Rietveld at
> http://codereview.appspot.com/186247, where individual fine-grained
> updates will be tracked. Feel free to comment either in this thread or
> on the Rietveld issue. I'll post periodic summaries of the
> discussion-to-date.
> We're looking forward to discussing this with everyone.
> Thanks,
> Collin Winter

> [snip...]
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