Meador Inge wrote:
> When 'obj1' and 'obj2' get linked into the final image there are no
> guarantees on whose constructor (T::T or S::S) will be called first. 
> Sometimes folks write code where this initialization order matters.  It
> may cause strange behavior at run-time that is hard to pin down.  This
> may not be a problem in the LLVM code base, but it is the typical
> problem that C++ devs run into with initialization of objects with
> static storage duration.

Avoiding this problem is actually one of the original reasons for the
popularity of the singleton design pattern in C++. With instantiation on
first use, it helps ensure the constructors are all executed in the
right order. (There are other problems with the double-checked locking
required under certain aggressive compiler optimisation strategies, but
the static initialisation ordering problem occurs even when optimisation
is completely disabled).


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia
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