Floris Bruynooghe wrote:
> Personally I'm +1 on the folder-per-folder option.

Of all the proposed options, I also dislike the SVN/CVS style folder
structure the least ;)


P.S. Translation of the double negative: I don't find any of the
solutions, even the current .pyc/.pyo approach, to be particularly
elegant, so I can't really say I like any of them in an absolute sense.
However, having a single cache folder inside each Python source folder
seems to strike the best balance between keeping a tidy filesystem and
still being able to locate a cached file given only the location of the
source file (or vice-versa) without using any Python-specific tools, so
it is the approach I personally prefer.

Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
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