On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 13:52, Nick Coghlan <ncogh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Brett Cannon wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 05:07, Antoine Pitrou <solip...@pitrou.net> wrote:
>>> Barry Warsaw <barry <at> python.org> writes:
>>>> Python 3 uses the .py file for __file__ but I'd like to see a transition to
>>>> __source__ for that, with __cache__ for the location of the PVM, JVM, LLVM 
>>>> or
>>>> whatever compilation cache artifact file.
>>> Well, I don't think we need another transition... Just keep __file__ for the
>>> source file, and add a __cache__ or __compiled__ attribute for the compiled
>>> file(s).
>> So what happens when only bytecode is present? As of right now
>> __file__ is set to the path of the bytecode if no source exists
>> (needed for reloading along with backwards-compatibility). Would you
>> set __file__ = __compiled__? Or would __file__ be set to None? I am
>> going to assume the former for backwards-compatibility, but I figured
>> I would bring up the issue as it means getting only the source path
>> would become ``__file__ if __file__ != __compiled__ else None``.
> My suggestion was that __file__ be set to the expected location of the
> source file regardless of whether or not the source file actually
> exists. Given the new location of the compiled files under PEP 3147
> there is no 100% backwards compatible option for __file__ in this case,
> since they will be at a different depth in the directory hierarchy.

But what does "expected location" mean? If I am importing foo.bar
where foo.__path__ has multiple path entries, which one is supposed to
be used to set the hypothetical location of source for __file__? I
guess going with the first one would be somewhat reasonable, but it's
definitely a guess.


> Reload can easily enough be updated to fall back to __compiled__ if
> __file__ is missing, which is a much easier fix than trying to update
> any third party manipulations of __file__ that expect it to be pointing
> to a file in the same directory as the source file.
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