On 03/02/2010 22:05, Brett Cannon wrote:
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 13:52, Nick Coghlan<ncogh...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Brett Cannon wrote:
On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 05:07, Antoine Pitrou<solip...@pitrou.net>  wrote:
Barry Warsaw<barry<at>  python.org>  writes:
Python 3 uses the .py file for __file__ but I'd like to see a transition to
__source__ for that, with __cache__ for the location of the PVM, JVM, LLVM or
whatever compilation cache artifact file.
Well, I don't think we need another transition... Just keep __file__ for the
source file, and add a __cache__ or __compiled__ attribute for the compiled
So what happens when only bytecode is present? As of right now
__file__ is set to the path of the bytecode if no source exists
(needed for reloading along with backwards-compatibility). Would you
set __file__ = __compiled__? Or would __file__ be set to None? I am
going to assume the former for backwards-compatibility, but I figured
I would bring up the issue as it means getting only the source path
would become ``__file__ if __file__ != __compiled__ else None``.
My suggestion was that __file__ be set to the expected location of the
source file regardless of whether or not the source file actually
exists. Given the new location of the compiled files under PEP 3147
there is no 100% backwards compatible option for __file__ in this case,
since they will be at a different depth in the directory hierarchy.

But what does "expected location" mean? If I am importing foo.bar
where foo.__path__ has multiple path entries, which one is supposed to
be used to set the hypothetical location of source for __file__? I
guess going with the first one would be somewhat reasonable, but it's
definitely a guess.
Isn't __file__ usually baked into .pyc files at compile time? (At least I assumed that from the incorrect tracebacks on Windows when you ship just .pyc files.)



Reload can easily enough be updated to fall back to __compiled__ if
__file__ is missing, which is a much easier fix than trying to update
any third party manipulations of __file__ that expect it to be pointing
to a file in the same directory as the source file.

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