On Jun 09, 2010, at 04:42 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:

>Many of them are not keen on having to maintain Python2 for much
>longer, but some of them may have assets codified in Python2
>or interests based Python2 that they'll want to keep for
>more than just another 5 years.
>E.g. we still have customers that are on Python 2.3 and have
>just recently considered moving to Python 2.5. Depending on where
>you look, motivations are rather diverse.
>It's certainly not fair to require all core developers to
>continue working on Python2, but it would also be unfair to
>cancel out that possibility for a subset of interested devs.
>Even more so, since it doesn't really create any extra work
>for those that have no interest.

Note that Python 2.7 will be *maintained* for a very long time, which should
satisfy those folks who still require Python 2.  Anybody on older (and
currently unmaintained) versions of Python 2 will not care about new features
so a Python 2.8 wouldn't help them anyway.


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