On Jun 09, 2010, at 09:13 AM, Bill Janssen wrote:

>Barry Warsaw <ba...@python.org> wrote:
>> Note that Python 2.7 will be *maintained* for a very long time, which
>> should satisfy those folks who still require Python 2.  Anybody on
>> older (and currently unmaintained) versions of Python 2 will not care
>> about new features so a Python 2.8 wouldn't help them anyway.
>There are two kinds of new features, though.  Those added to improve (or
>at any rate modify :-) the product, and those added to keep the product
>relevant to a changing external world (new operating systems, new
>communication protocols, etc.)  I think it would take a pretty strong
>crystal ball to be able to rule out the latter kind of feature add from
>the 2.x line.

The latter should mostly be supported by third party packages available in the
Cheeseshop.  To the extent that such support can't be effected by add-ons
(e.g. new OS support), I think a better approach would be to encourage and
allow unofficial ports by utilizing dvcs branches (we *are* moving to
Mercurial after Python 2.7 final is released, right?).

I think we should plan on 2.7 being the last Python 2, and spend lots of effort
to get people onto Python 3, partially by offering big carrots like Unladen
Swallow, a better/no GIL, etc.  I think it should be part of the PSF's mission
to help that happen through directed sponsorship, sprints, and other tools.


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