On Jun 10, 2010, at 09:01 AM, Steve Holden wrote:

>The current stumbling block isn't the language itself, it's the lack of
>support from third-party libraries. GSoC is addressing some of these
>issues, but so far we (the PSF, the dev community, anybody else except
>R. David Murray) haven't really come to grips with intractable problems
>like the broken state of the email package, and we are not doing well at
>attracting funds to support it.
>So I think we need to address a larger issue than just the language. As
>a development community we decided to change the language. Now we have
>to do what we can to ensure that the changed language has appropriate

This is exactly my point - I totally agree.  Let's take all that pent up
energy and apply it to porting important libraries to Python 3.


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