On Mar 08, 2011, at 12:01 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

>Barry Warsaw writes:
> > I hear this complaint [about branches being no help in reviewing] a
> > lot from hg and git users, so maybe it's just the nature of the
> > tools.  In which case, I'm fine with whatever works better for
> > Python.

Actually, the complaint I've commonly heard from hg and git users is that they
want local, intermediate history to be collapsed into one revision/changeset
when merging into the target branch.

Daniel's example shows that the benefits of branches for review is not limited
to Bazaar+Launchpad users <wink>.  I do agree that it's a new workflow for

>I think it's up to the advocates of branch-based review to improve the
>tools, and I think it's worth it.  Now, if only I can find some

Continuing to use patch-based reviews for Python is fine, and I think as we
all adjust to the Mercurial conversion, new and more efficient ways of working
will evolve over time.


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