Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:

"do I have to resize my browser every time I visit a new site to get a decent width for reading".

If all sites left the width to the browser, then I would
be able to make my browser window a width that is comfortable
for me with my chosen font size and leave it that way.
The only time a site forces me to resize my window is when
it thinks it has a better idea than me how wide the text
should be.

I prefer sites that don't try to control the layout of
everything. When using a site that leaves most of it up
to my browser, I never find myself wishing that the designer
had specified something more tightly.

However, I do often find myself wishing that the designer
*hadn't* overridden the width, or the font size, or the
text colour, or decided that I shouldn't be allowed to know
whether I've visited links before, etc. etc.

A web page is not a printed page. It is not rendered at a
fixed size and viewed in its entirety at once. It needs to
be flexible, able to be rendered in whatever size space
is available or the user wants to devote to it. Browsers
are very good at doing that -- unless the designer defeats
them by fixing something that is better left flexible.

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