On 3/21/2013 5:19 PM, Mark Janssen wrote:
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 8:32 PM, Terry Reedy <tjre...@udel.edu
<mailto:tjre...@udel.edu>> wrote:

I might be jumping in late here, but...

Not at all. Thank you for the enlightening post.

The *only* thing I find "ugly" about it is that it doesn't have a
white-on-black color scheme.


The wonderful thing about computers is the possibility of customizing to taste. The think I do not like about .pdf is the motivation to 'control the user experience'.

Look at any hacker console and you won't
find a white screen.  Otherwise its fine.  Fixing that issue is simple,
I can upload my color scheme if anyone wants.

If you want, open an IDLE enhancement issue "IDLE: add alternate high-light schemes", select Componemts: IDLE, and attach your 'Console' scheme. Many skinnable apps either have a place for users to share their custom skins or come with alternatives builtin. There might be other emulation schemes worth adding.

Terry Jan Reedy

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