On 05/16/2013 09:38 AM, Barry Warsaw wrote:
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On May 16, 2013, at 06:22 PM, Christian Heimes wrote:

Are you able to reproduce the issue? Perhaps you could use inotify to
track down file activity. It shouldn't affect timing much and you can
track if more than one process it writing to the same file.

Sadly, no.  I've never seen it on any of my own desktops or servers, and none
of the bug reporters have been able to provide a reproducible test case.  I
tried some smaller test cases to see if I could trigger pyc writing race
conditions, but failed to reproduce it there either.

Is it happening on the same machines? If so, perhaps a daemon to monitor those files and then scream and shout when one changes. Might help track down what's going on at the time. (Yeah, that does sound like saying 'inotify' but with more words...)

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