On 4/12/2014 2:58 PM, Nikolaus Rath wrote:

I've accumulated a number of patches in the issue tracker that are
waiting for someone to review/commit/reject them. I'm eager to make
corrections as necessary, I just need someone to look the work that I've
done so far:

If I did not have several Idle patches to review from other new people like you, I would. Many core developers are at the PyCon conference, so it may be a few days before they can respond.

* http://bugs.python.org/issue20951 (SSLSocket.send() returns 0 for
   non-blocking socket)

* http://bugs.python.org/issue1738 (filecmp.dircmp does exact match

* http://bugs.python.org/issue7776 (http.client.HTTPConnection
   tunneling is broken)

* http://bugs.python.org/issue20177 (Derby #8: Convert 28 sites to
   Argument Clinic across 2 files)

* http://bugs.python.org/issue19414 (iter(ordered_dict) yields keys
   not in dict in some circumstances)

* http://bugs.python.org/issue20578 (BufferedIOBase.readinto1 is

* http://bugs.python.org/issue21057 (TextIOWrapper does not support
   reading bytearrays or memoryviews)

Do you consider any of these 'ready-to-commit'?
* before-fail, after-pass test?
* required doc changes?
* tested patch for all versions that should be patched?
* any new Misc/ACKS entry needed (for new person other than you)?
* checked for stray end-of-line whitespace?

I intentionally omitted news entry. There is a list of commit checks in in devguide, and a script to do some.

I realize that core developer time is scarce, so I have started to only
work on patches after I've confirmed that someone is available and
interested to review them. However, it would be great if some people
could find time to look at the issues above as well. Having your
contributions just languish in the bugtracker is really dispiriting... I
*want* to contribute, and I can't believe that Python is the one
open-source project that is not in need of more manpower.

We need either more core developer personpower or more efficient use of the effort we do have -- or both. We seem to lose people as fast as we promote them. More efficient use of time might also reduce attrition.

Right now we seem to be in an awkward phase of the core mentorship program. We have gotten some new people, like you, submitting multiple patches, but have not yet gotten enough new people to review and commit.

> But for some
reason it seems really hard to actually find something to do.

Review and test other people's patches, if you are not already. If a 3.4 bugfix patch works and is ready to commit, and plausibly should be applied to 2.7 (maybe ask), but does not apply cleanly (common), see if the core developer on the issue would like you to tweak, test, and upload a 2.7 version.

Terry Jan Reedy

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