Am 13.04.14 08:36, schrieb Stephen J. Turnbull:

> I admit the tone was biased toward nagging or "blaming the victim",
> and again I apologize for causing misunderstanding.  Nikolaus isn't
> "wrong" for posting here.  My claim is that in current circumstances,
> core-mentorship would be a more *effective* channel because
>  - core-mentorship is *explicitly* for poking Those Who Can Help
>    (among other requests for help);

It would be worth an experiment. I know that I wouldn't have reviewed
Nikolaus' patches if he had posted to core-mentorship - I'm not a core

> I also suggested that some tweaks to the weekly issue report might
> help to catch the attention of those who can commit patches, but my
> ideas about that are still basically vaporware.

Well, the code of the weekly reports is free software, contributions
are welcome :-)


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