On 27.05.2016 18:41, Chris Barker wrote:
> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 9:35 AM, M.-A. Lemburg <m...@egenix.com> wrote:
>>> So if ( and that's a big if) it's possible to anticipate what will be
>>> in widespread use in a couple years, getting it in now would be a good
>>> thing.
>> You cut away the important part of what I said:
>> "The current patch is 1.2MB for SHA-3 - that's pretty heavy for
>> just a few hash functions, ..."
>> If people want to use the hashes earlier, this is already possible
>> via a separate package, so we're not delaying their use.
> That's true for ANY addition to the stdlib -- it could always be made
> available in a third party lib. (unless you want to use it in another part
> of the stdlib...)

Well, any addition for which someone already wrote a package,
but yes...

>> It is clear that SHA-3 will get more traction in coming years (*),
>> but I'm pretty sure that OpenSSL will have good implementations by
>> the time people will actively start using the new hash algorithm
>> and then hashlib will automatically make that available (hashlib
>> uses the OpenSSL EVP abstraction, so will be able to use any
>> new algorithms added to OpenSSL).
>> However, if we add the reference implementation now, we'd then be
>> left with 1.2MB unnecessary code in the stdlib.
> I'm probably showing my ignorance here, but couldn't we swap in the OpenSSL
> implementation when that becomes available?

We could, but only if we don't expose separate interfaces
for the hashes and not add them to hashlib.


> -CHB
> (*) People are just now starting to move from SHA-1 to SHA-2
>> and SHA-2 was standardized in 2001. Python received SHA-2 support
>> in 2006. So there's plenty of time to decide :-)
> can't deny the history, nor the inertia -- but that doesn't make it a good
> thing...
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Marc-Andre Lemburg

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