Paul Moore writes:

 > I'm just saying that I don't want core Python to implicitly install
 > packages for me.


 > But that's simply a personal opinion.


It's not *purely* a personal opinion, though.  The original proposal
is to include the facility and allow *script authors*, rather than
script users, to invoke it.  Since the (original) motivation is for it
to work for naive users, you'll want it on by default to support them
(they're going to click on an icon, so command line options and
environment variables are right out, no?)

I have no objection to people who want to install this in their
personal environments, but that doesn't serve the original use case of
distributing code that depends on non-stdlib modules to people who
aren't handy with pip.  To serve those use cases, we all need to get
it by default.  That I personally don't want (for me or for the
students I supervise), and I'm pretty sure my employer will take a
very dim view of it.


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