Steven D'Aprano wrote:

Your example shows the proposed:

    [*(language, text) for language, text in fulltext_tuples if language == 

which can be written as:

    [x for language, text in fulltext_tuples for x in (language, text) if 
language == 'english']

which is only ten characters longer. To me, though, there's simply no nice way of writing this: the repetition of "language, text" reads poorly regardless of whether there is a star or no star.

I think the ugliness of this particular example has roots in
the fact that a tuple rather than an object with named fields
is being used, which is going to make *any* piece of code
that touches it a bit awkward.

If it were a namedtuple, for example, you could write

  [*t for t in fulltext_tuples if t.language == 'english']


  [x for t in fulltext_tuples if t.language == 'english' for x in t]

The latter is a bit unsatisfying, because we are having to
make up an arbitrary name 'x' to stand for an element of t.
Even though the two elements of t have quite different roles,
we can't use names that reflect those roles.

Because of that, to my eyes the version with * makes it easier
to see what is going on.


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