On 28/03/2019 15:25, Richard Whitehead wrote:

As a new member to this list, I can tell you that searching for relevant old
content was effectively impossible, so I'm all for some way of doing that.

Please can I make a more radical suggestion, though: Drop the mailing list.
How about a GitHub repo - a specific one (with no code), specifically for
early ideas? Then, if an idea was accepted and turned into an issue to be
implemented, it could link back to that original discussion. GitHub is
easily searchable. It can email you if someone comments on an issue you have
raised, etc.

Github is more searchable than a mailing list (at least until the mailing list archives are made searchable), but is not designed for and is not as good at discussion as a mailing list. Threads of discussion and branch and interweave easily on a mailing list, so you don't lose lines of thought. That lack is the big failing of forum-style interfaces.

An alternative might be a StackOverflow section, but that wouldn't provide
such tight integration in the case of an issue being raised.

I think I'd go so far as "Hell, no!" here.

The new work you're doing would be a good way to populate the repo with its
initial content.

Having to do new work would certainly discourage some of the less technically well-founded ideas. I don't think that's what you meant, though :-)

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd
Python-ideas mailing list
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