On Thu, 9 Jan 2020, 12:38 Chris Angelico, <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:

> So you're offering no real benefits (since you have to be online to
> verify the app), and you pay the price of bundling everything. Great.

If you've read the thread, i'm saying i did not
propose a concrete signing solution since i'm
still looking into it. Those were some ideas
that came with Mr. Andrew's discussion

But what's the point? Why not just use pip the way we already can?
What is the actual benefit?

Those concerns should be addressed to the
author of PEP441

Brilliant. So now every software author has to continually maintain
> the app and monitor all OSes for new releases. What happens if the
> author isn't on it instantly? What if it takes him/her a couple of
> months, or even a year or two, to get around to releasing an update?

If we go that route yes, same as an executable
that won't work on a new Mac update

So far, I have seen zero benefits to this zipapp enhancement.

>From reading 3 threads, i get the idea that
you don't see the benefits of bundling
dependencies in a zipapp

- and figure out what problem you're actually solving here.

To quote the FaQ:

This proposal is not solving any problem at all
This proposal aims at enhancing zipapp. Zipapp solved the problem. Zipapp
had an aim. This proposal aims at helping zipapp better accompplish it's

This proposal explores the next level of zipapps. The enhancements are 2

- Adding meta details
- Bundling dependencies

But i choose to go even further by attempting to
explore security features and exploring the option of
cross-platforming. That's why there is much discussion
over it

I could've played the safe route and just propose
adding meta data and bundle dependencies
producing Os-specific zips.

Nobody has objection to the two above,
there are prototypes with the above
features which work.
Before i forget about the hard questions completely and just propose the
safe part, i wanted to push it as far as i can.

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