On 02/14/2020 02:24 PM, Soni L. wrote:

   class Foo(Trait):
     def x(self):
       raise NotImplementedError

   class Bar(Trait):
     def x(self):
       raise NotImplementedError

   class Baz(TraitObject):  # "mirrors" class Baz(object):
     class Foo:
       def x(self):
     class Bar:
       def x(self):

That looks like a lot of extra boiler-plate to me (aka busy-work, aka 

Can you give us a real example using real code?  You say you've made a library 
-- show us the library being used in real life -- foo, bar, and baz is not 
explaining anything, particularly for those of us who have no knowledge of 
Rust, nor the time/desire to go learn it.

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